My obsession with jumpsuits.

Obsession?  Addiction?  Call it what you will – I LOVE a jumpsuit.  I love the fact that they are quirky, retro and not to everyone’s taste.  I’m a little sad that they are becoming more mainstream.

I’ve acquired a few new ones over the past month – I must stop now as I am not sure I will have time to wear them all over the summer!  At least three of these will be coming on vacation with me so let’s start with those.

First of all this River Island gem.  It was in and out of my ASOS basket for weeks before I finally hit order after seeing Trea model it.  Thank goodness I did – it is amazing.  It is so comfortable (though I did size up to a UK 14 as River Island can be quite small) and it has adjustable spaghetti straps with a popper at the front to maintain your modesty.  I am wearing it here with a body underneath so it doesn’t appear to be too restrictive as far as what underwear you can wear with it – always a concern for me with thin straps as I need to wear a bra.



So….as I loved this so much I tried this one…and loved it too!  Again River Island from ASOS – I’ve just switched out the cheapo belt it came with for a wider one of my own.



Now this Zara jumpsuit is all I ask for – leopard print, comfort and a little cleavage for a night out:)  It only comes in small and medium and this is a medium so it is definitely generous sizing for Zara.



I’ve been eyeing this khaki one online for a while and Cali persuaded me to buy it while we were in NYC last week.  I’m glad she did – I really love it.



Finally good old M&S!  This photo does not do it justice.  The fabric is so drapey and soft, and it comes in black or navy but the black is sold out online.  It feels so elegant on and it is a fabulous evening piece instead of a dress.  This is a UK 12 but I know many of you taller ladies will be disappointed that it doesn’t come in a longer length too – it may come up too short for you.



So are you wearing jumpsuits this summer?  Do you say yay or nay?

I’ll leave you today with my outfit from Thursday – one of my favorite t-shirt dresses from ASOS.  Off now to finish assembling IKEA flat packs – 2 loft beds are done so now for the easy pieces!

Orange dress.jpg

Dress – ASOS (on sale) // Sandals – Ancient Greek


Enhanced by Zemanta

31 thoughts on “My obsession with jumpsuits.

  1. fashion40ish

    You look mutt and jeffing amazing in the jumpsuits. Seriously sexy woman. In fact eyepoppingly sexy ( is that a word? ) H xx

    1. Poppy's Style Post author

      Wow why thank you Helen!! I think it’s the heels too – I need to wear them more often – they are great for elongating my legs!

  2. Michelle

    I am a bit late to the game here but I am also a huge fan of the jumpsuit/boiler suit of late!! Joanna….you look awesome in all if yours! Love!! xx

    1. Poppy's Style Post author

      Thanks Michelle! I have a denim Zara one that I need to squeeze into again – need to lose another couple of pounds again lol! x

    1. Poppy's Style Post author

      I still can’t believe how huge the XS khaki one was on you – you’re a little titch:) xx

    1. Poppy's Style Post author

      Thanks Sue – I do think a broader belt looks better to and more slimming on the waist…I just hope it’s not to hot to wear them in Spain!

    1. Poppy's Style Post author

      Thanks Jane – they feel super elegant on – and it makes getting dressed so much easier – far fewer decisions to make!

  3. Tanya

    I love the look and I think you look smashing, especially in the zebra one. I myself had two jumpsuits a couple of years ago, But I couldn’t live with the constant public bathroom struggle, especially if the jumpsuit had sleeves. So I got rid of them both… I guess I’m a separates person.

    1. Poppy's Style Post author

      Thank Tanya! They are so easy to wear – I agree about the bathroom but the RI ones have adjustable straps and the cross over front makes them much easier to get in and out of. I have some older ones that are a nightmare for the loo! xx

    1. Poppy's Style Post author

      It is gorgeous Helen and I bet you can still get the black one in store – my Mum has it waiting back in Bury for me:)

  4. Danielle

    I LOVE a jumpsuit! They’re normally all too short for me though so I actually don’t have that many. You look fabulous in them – so lovely and smiley. Fave is probably the leopard print or the M&S one. Looking gorgeous chick xxx

  5. Dorset Fashionista

    I am a massive jumpsuit fan and have bough a denim boilersuit and a smart black evening one. You look fab in them, my fave is the River Island one, gorgeous on you
    Abbi x

  6. Jenny G

    Well I thought it was a ‘nay’ on the jumpsuit front (had to wear one as my TopShop uniform in the late 80s – bright turquoise it was and a nightmare when you needed the loo!) but I do like that Zara jumsuit – looks kinda groovy Joanna! x

  7. Keri Gray

    Looking fabulous in all of those – I am still too scared to entertain a jumpsuit because of being vertically challenged 🙂 Love love love you in that bright orange dress – I am very tempted by that! x

  8. Avril Keys

    I was late to the jumpsuit club – but I have you to thank for it….have you noticed that so much of what you get, I end up succumbing to about 12 months later??! You’re my style trailblazer – love ya

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