Tag Archives: YMCA

Amazing Georgia.

I hate to sound like a broken record…but…the weather here is incredible right now.  Temperatures have dropped, the sky is bright blue without a cloud in sight – just amazing.  Unfortunately much of Saturday was spent inside the YMCA.  Poppy had her first swim meet.  We were incredibly excited and nervous as it’s a pretty big deal for a 6 yr old and her parents.  The great thing about the Y is that it’s not too intense – they a racing for fun – and the parents and coaches are all pretty relaxed.  However no one told me how many kids would be there nor how long we would be there!  If I tell you that Poppy’s races were #21 and #33 that will give you some idea!  I’m not sure how many different events there were in total, but safe to say a lot – relays, individuals, 50 and 25 – then multiply that by all age groups up to 17!  Some kids had event #70 written on their arm!!  All in all we were there from 1.30pm till 6.30pm for just 2 races – having said that we had a blast and Poppy loved it.  I was so proud of her dealing with it all – from the long lines for races to the pressure of a starting block start – she looked a real pro at just 6!  My heart was in my mouth for both her races but as always we tend to underestimate our children’s resilience and ability and she did brilliantly.

In order to get some fresh air after Saturday we headed up to North Georgia yesterday.  When we are out and about I always wish we did it more often.  Georgia truly is amazing and the mountains were stunning yesterday.  We headed to Amicalola Falls and needless to say after marching to the top and then using the many, many steps to walk down by the side of the Falls, my legs and butt are killing me today.  Stairs really do use muscles that no other exercise can!

It’s definitely layering weather as it was freezing at the bus stop this morning.  I took Tennyson for a walk this morning and it was lovely and brisk – when we were walking up the driveway back to the house I gasped as Bambi ran across the lawn – breathtaking and a brilliant way to start the week.

I opted for my fab Zara red jeans today – at just $35 they are a great price – but as always with Zara their sizing is random.  I was certain I’d be a US 8 as Zara tend to fit small but I ended up with a US 6 as there is so much stretch in these and I can’t stand jeans that get baggy over the course of a day.  I’m wearing them with my Express black tank, J.Crew black boyfriend cardigan from a couple of years ago, and my fabulous Sam Edelman Alvins in leopard print – probably the most comfortable shoes I own.


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Free therapy.

Some weekends just turn out to be so much superior to others.  Not that the others end up as bad weekends but for some reason this weekend has just been…well…perfect.  Odd thing to say given that on Friday night I was up at 3am with a 4 year old refusing to sleep and 2 dogs with weak bladders.  Fortunately Friday had been a great day so it made the to-ing and fro-ing on Friday night more bearable.

I have to start with a confession – I cheated on my hairdresser.  After years of going to the same salon I have been introduced to a new salon by a friend.  Both Poppy and Hugh have had very successful cuts there recently and I really like the ambiance.  It’s a lot less pretentious than some of the big salons here and the senior stylist is also the owner so it feels a little more intimate and relaxed.  Given the success of the two trips with the children I decided to dip my toe and try a color and cut there myself.  I’ve given up trying to color my own hair and am now resigned to spending crazy money keeping the greys at bay.  I daren’t risk hair dye in the new bathroom!  Anyway I have to say it was a good trip – I did feel a ridiculous amount of guilt being in a different chair, but the owner of  A la Mode, Chad, was great and happens to be a runner and cyclist so we had lots to talk about after the Lance story had broken that morning.  Just wish the salon wasn’t called A la Mode – sorry just seems a tad cheesy to me.  I’m moving towards this style that Ginnifer Goodwin rocks – it reminds me of the 90’s – I just need to get mine a bit longer on top then we’ll get the trimmers out!

The afternoon was spent at the pool again – we’re trying to hang out there as much as we can before Labor weekend and the weather is just perfect here right now – the calm before the storm I think as Isaac is on his way.  MM and I had the perfect evening – great music and great, simple food – a fine Chianti, rotisserie chicken, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and crusty bread – we sat outside in the summer evening watching the kids play – it was brilliant.

Yesterday was a bit mad with parties, swimming lessons and pools so an early night was in order but that, quite frankly, meant my run this morning was AMAZING.  With the perfect weather and the perfect running pal I didn’t even notice the miles.  It’s like an hour of therapy each week but free – I have the best routes to run on and the best conversation around…I feel on top of the world right now.  As a treat we’re off to the OK Cafe for pancakes then back to the pool – nothing too taxing today!

Here was my outfit briefly yesterday before the bikini – my Zara t-shirt which I adore – pinks and greys and animal print and just $20!  Worn with my Hudson jeans and Sam Edelman Louie‘s in rose taupe – I saw from a press release that they are increasing the number of colors these come in including ivory and gold – they are gorgeous and so comfortable.  While we’re talking about shoes if you are in the US check out 6pm.com – they are owned by Zappos.com but have GREAT prices!  They have my Carson button Fryes at half price and they aren’t seconds!


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Ever increasing social circles.

I was a bit fuzzy this morning after a late night last night.  We went out for tacos and margaritas with our neighbors and had a fabulous time, but stayed a little later than I anticipated – mainly because we were having so much fun.  I feel very lucky to live in a neighborhood with such fun friends for both the children and us.  Summer is going to be a blast!

My daughter is definitely benefiting from her ever increasing social circle and numerous play dates.  She seems to be blossoming.  Recently we’ve had a few play dates with her friend across the street, then yesterday she started gymnastics with another friend from kindergarten, and today we have a couple of girls spending the afternoon with us as it was early release from school.  Our fabulous YMCA held an event to help us moms out and the girls ran riot, having a great time on the bouncy castles and practicing their gymnastics.  Then we went for frozen yogurt at my insistence:)  Frozen yogurt is not the only benefit I reap – I’ve been lucky enough to meet some great Moms.  It’s lovely to have the chance for a good gossip so we can put the world to rights.

No workout yet today – I’m hoping I can do it once all my child minding duties are done.  I’m certainly aching from the past two days so it must be having some effect – I can even feel it in my abs which is unusual for me – let’s hope it’s that 6-pack developing.  Maybe my chia seed drink will offset the damage done by the margaritas last night?  I’m mixing a tablespoon of seeds with water, a little honey and lime juice – it’s actually fairly palatable but it hasn’t made me feel like running 50 miles just for the hell of it yet.

No outfit photo today either as I am wearing my Nike pro capris and a sweater – very appropriate for play dates and the YMCA…I better not get into the habit of wearing my workout gear all the time though;)

As I was getting our YMCA membership cards together today I couldn’t help but giggle at my son’s.  This is his first mug shot and his demonstration of smiling for the camera, bless him.

London, February 2013?

So it started well yesterday!  A morning in the Y with the family and I ran and swam and didn’t succumb to Chick-fil-A for lunch!  My son very kindly cooperated too, and after a little hesitation he seemed quite happy to be in the water.  I just hope he doesn’t expect the full family there with him in class on Saturday!

I always struggle with a Monday Holiday – in fact we all struggled to make it out to the bus stop in time this morning.  I keep having to remind myself that this is Tuesday and I have to cram 4 days of work into 3…losing that day can make a big difference…I did still, however, somehow manage to find time over lunch to peruse The Telegraph‘s images from London Fashion Week.  It’s one of those months where I’d give anything to be back in London for a week or so, what with the excitement of LFW and The Brits airing tonight – maybe next year?  After being back there last February I think there is something rather fun about being bundled up in a cosy coat on the streets of London, and getting away from it all before spring fever hits.  In fact I actually prefer London in the winter and I have fond memories of walking in the damp, dark evenings from The City back to Whitechapel after work, with the city bustling around me.  Rose tinted spectacles I know.

In a combined effort to try a new look and to try and be more frugal this year I’m contemplating growing my hair.  I have always gone from long to short and back and I’ve had my hair short now for almost 4 years.  Growing it out though is a hideous process especially with the waves in my hair that create a giant bouffant as soon as it gets to about 4 inches long.  Plus MM and most of my family prefer it short so I am worried that in a moment of weakness I may just head back to the salon.  My current style requires cutting every 5 weeks and at $95 a pop, including tip, that could pay for a trip back to London next February:)  Maybe I should do it the old fashioned way and put my money in a tin every month so I can see how much I’m saving and don’t go spending it on Tory Burch shoes instead?

It’s time for a bit of color today and a reason wear my newest pair of Eddies given how well they go with my 2009 (?) Boden fun tank.  The sun is promising to come out and I am encouraging it with a few Spring wardrobe selections, let’s see if it works.  I’ve kept my Boden leather blazer on just in case.  I love this jacket in dark brown – the leather is so soft, and the cut is a little longer than last year’s – it’s currently out of stock in clearance but you can always stalk:)

Fun tank, Boden leather blazer, Eddies

A week of restraint.

Bleeeuuurgggh – still have the lurgy though I’m definitely on the mend.  I find that being so devoid of energy is actually worse than the cold symptoms themselves.  I am so sleepy all the time but at least my aches and pains are leaving.  After a week of inactivity I feel like I’ve gained 10lbs – I daren’t even get on the scales…talk about feeding a cold, my colds certainly never go hungry.  So I begin this week with the desire to eat less and work out more again.  In fact I’ve even been investigating the Tracy Anderson Method in order to get poolside ready.  If any of you have tried it I’d love to know what you think before I spend the $90 on it!  If I could just shift the extra curves from my stomach to my butt I’d be happy:)  I love the idea of dancing to get fit – I was so fit in my raving heydays in the 90’s, though I was in my 20’s too!

This morning we’re off to the YMCA as a family as it is President’s Day and the kids are off school.  Our Y has some fun events planned for the children so they can release some energy while Mommy and Daddy work out.  The plan is then for us all to get in the pool for some fun.  My son starts swimming lessons this weekend and, unlike his sister, he has been extremely reluctant to date.  The last thing I want on Saturday morning is to battle with a screaming almost 4 year old, so my plan is to get him used to the pool this morning with Mom and Dad there for reassurance.  Don’t get me wrong he loves the outdoor pool in the summer but maybe it’s the acoustics of the indoor pool or the many faces he doesn’t recognize that bothers him?  Regardless we have our work cut out for us…

Well now I’m off for a healthy greek yoghurt with fruit for breakfast – let’s see if I can keep this restraint up all week, I do love my food!